
In the file fbdtw.ini you can set a number of properties. The settings can be changed through the system menu.

Path:  userdata      # location of references
NRef:  3             # number of references per word
TraceFrame:  0       # if > 0, use trace segmentation with specified 
		       number of segments
Feat:  true          # cepstral coefficients
DFeat:  false        # delta cepstral
SubMean:  true       # subtract global mean
DeltaOrd:  2         # order of delta cepstral coefficients
UseFilter:  true     # highpass filter
CityBlock:  false    # city block distance (default is Euclidian)
WBDlogFile:  false   # logfile for word boundary detector
AutoSave:  true      # automatically save all utterances
SampFreq:  16000     # sampling frequency

# the next options define what windows are displayed and their location
# options with a * are written automatically
ShowWave:  true       
ShowResult:  true
*UttPlot:  -4 312 506 260
*WDemo:  1 0 500 298
*Result:  501 311 328 210